Course Description


No matter what business you are in, you have to have what I like to call “Sales Conversations” . 

This is essentially the conversation we have with other people who might be interested in our services, to help us see if they would need our help with something in particular that is a PROBLEM for them right now.

Every single customer or client that will want to give you money in excange for what you have to offer will have a "problem" that they want you to solve.


When you know how to speak with them in a way that helps them to know that you 

1. Understand the problem
2. Can give them the solution/support they need.

It is much easier for your customer/client to say YES to what you have to offer without having to think about it first.

I used to really suck when I was talking to prospective clients.

That is until I started to use the formula I am want to teach you in this training “How to structure your sales conversations to get higher conversation rates and more clients”

You see I started to understand a few things about my prospective clients.

1. They wanted to feel like I knew what I was doing and I was in control

2. They WANTED me to ask for the sale.. In other words ask them to be my client because then they knew exactly what I could help them with.

When I started to use this formula, everything started to change for me.

I even had one person tell me that she was hiring me for a day, and she didn’t even ask for the price. That was a €1000 sale at the time.


We are going to be talking about the conversation we have with prospective clients once they are standing in front of us or on the phone or on SKYPE.

I’m even going to give you the exact script I use...

With that said there is an overall guide you MUST follow to get the most favorable result.

Here is what you walk away with at the end of this training

=> How to set up the conversation, exactly what to say and when so you stay in control and ALWAYS are in the position to ask for the sale without it feeling "salesy", "sleazy", or "pushy" .. the client will actually want you to tell them about what you have.

=> A really simply technique to allow you to actually place the sale opportunity before you even speak to your client and have them tell you it is perfectly OK to sell to them.. they won't even feel like you are selling to them!

=> The EXACT steps to take to ensure that your client feels listened to, supported and gets all the time they need to tell you everything they want you to know BEFORE you start trying to sell to them OR scare them away by jumping in too early/

=> How to sell your offer, when to do it and how to have it result in a lot more "Yes please, I want this NOW!"  RESPONSES!

=> An easy way to handle objections and what to do if you need to follow up!

This is for you if you are getting the inquires and having lots of people want to talk with you BUT you are just not converting enough of these people into clients.

Energy Alignment Coach Breda Stackpool

Breda Stackpool is an Energy Alignment coach who's souls purpose is to lead others to their point of expansion. She helps you to identify what you want and how to get yourself into a position to make sure you can bring it into your reality. She is passionate about helping people prioritise their own success by stepping into the true version of themselves, and has the ability to help you create results in your life that were once only a dream!

Course curriculum

    1. How to structure your sales conversations

    2. Setting up the conversation

    3. Designing your sales script

    4. Call template

    1. Join our support group

About this course

  • €111,00
  • 5 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content